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Case Study

Image by Rock'n Roll Monkey

(AI-assisted compliance)

​An organisation processes large numbers of customer requests that can involve numerous stakeholders and many customer interactions, which are becoming costly to maintain. Additionally, customer interactions and responses are regulated, monitored and manually audited which is leading to high operating costs.


There was an opportunity to reduce data research effort by utilising large language models (LLM) to summarise data histories for customer interactions. This included identifying vulnerable customers and automating scans across customer interactions in near real-time to flag potential compliance breaches, based on regulated documentation. The opportunity also provided the ability to assess the various technology providers of LLMs and advanced analytics solutions.


  • Is it possible to use LLMs to summarise customer request data in order to reduce the amount of time it takes for an advisor to understand the state of an outstanding request?

  • Is it possible to use LLMs to assess customer interactions and determine if advisor responses to customer questions align with the regulated documents and predict compliance breaches?

  • Is it possible to determine vulnerable customers from analysing customer interactions?

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